The Hadoop Eclipse Plug-in provides tools to ease the experience of Map/Reduce on Hadoop. Among other things, the plug-in provides support to:
- create Mapper, Reducer, Driver classes;
- browse and interact with distributed file systems;
- submit jobs and monitor their execution.
Now to configure the plugin you need to follow these steps
- Move the jar file you have downloaded in the plugins folder of your eclipse installation.
- Restart the Eclipse and switch to map-reduce perspective from Window-> open perspective ->other
- Now set your DFS location by selecting create new location in Map/Reduce locations area.
- Enter the name of your location and specify the ports.
- Add the port numbers of JobTracker and DFS as specified in conf/mapred-site.xml and conf/core-site.xml files.
6. Now create new map-reduce project and configure your Hadoop installation directory.
7. Now you can start off by creating mapper and reducer classes.
8. To run your project select run on Hadoop in the run configuration.